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dc.contributor.authorSHOVIATUL MUTMAINNAH
dc.description.abstractThis research I intended to investigate the English – Indonesian code switching and code mixing. These phenomena happened in Indonesia and other countries which considered English as a second or a foreign language. Research showed that many students in ESL and EFL countries got difficulties in learning English. Code switching and code mixing were being used as the ways of communication between the teacher and students in teaching learning process in the second or foreign language classroom. The phenomena also happened in SMP Negeri 03 Balung Jember. The English teacher tended to use English – Indonesian code-switching and code-mixing to help his students understand the materials easily. The grade seven A was chosen since the teacher used code-switching and code-mixing mostly in this class. Based on the preliminary study, it was known that the students of grade seven A came from different level background of knowledge, social condition, English learning ability, language, and culture. Therefore, the teacher used code-switching and code-mixing mostly in grade seven A to avoid misunderstanding about the lesson. The problem formulations were drawn as follows: in what conditions the English teacher of grade seven A used code-switching and code-mixing and what the most frequent condition of the use of code-switching and code mixing by the English teacher. Based on the formulation, the objectives of the research: to know in what conditions the English teacher used code-switching and code-mixing and what the most frequent condition of the use code-switching and code mixing by the English teacher. This research was descriptive qualitative design on the analysis of using code switching and code mixing by the seventh grade A English teacher at SMPN 03 Balung. The research area was selected by employing purposive sampling method based on the phenomenon found. The research intended to analyze in what conditions and what the most frequent condition of the use of code switching and code mixing based on Atkinson’s theory. The procedure of this research was: determining research area, the research problems and research subject, determining data resources, constructing the research instruments, collecting data by using recording, transcribing the recording video, analyzing the collected data, and drawing conclusion. The primary data was collected by observation through recording video and the secondary data from the interview with the English teacher. The data of the conditions where the teacher used code switching and code mixing were analyzed qualitatively while the data of the most frequent condition was analyzed quantitatively by using percentage formula adopted from Ali (1998). The result of data analysis showed that the conditions where the teacher used code switching and code mixing were: giving instruction, eliciting language, and checking comprehension. The teacher used code-switching in eliciting language to encourage student to comprehend the materials and to produce the target language. In this condition, the teacher presented the materials and reviewed the previous materials to the students. In giving instruction, the teacher tended to code-switch and code-mix to get the respond faster. While in checking comprehension, the teacher rechecked the students’ understanding by asking questions related to the materials has been given by the teacher. The result of the research could be drawn as follows: in the first meeting, the teacher used code switching in giving instruction five times, in eliciting language five times, and in checking comprehension once. In the second meeting, the teacher used code-switching in giving instruction eight times, in eliciting language twelve times, and in checking comprehension twice. In the third meeting, the teacher used codeswitching in giving instruction twice, in eliciting language nine times, and in checking comprehension three times. Therefore, the most frequent condition of the use of code switching by the teacher was in eliciting language, with the result of the percentage: in eliciting language was 55%, in checking comprehension was 12% and in giving instructions was 31%. In code mixing, the teacher used it mostly in checking comprehension. It could be seen in three meetings. The first meeting: the teacher used code mixing in giving instruction twelve times, in eliciting language three times, and in checking comprehension seventeen times. The second meeting: the teacher used code mixing in giving instruction sixteen times, in eliciting language nineteen times, and in checking comprehension thirty three times. The third meeting: the teacher used code mixing in giving instruction five times, in eliciting language twenty four times, and in checking comprehension nineteen times. The percentage: in eliciting language was 33%, in checking comprehension was 42% and in giving instructions was 23%. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that code-switching and code mixing are used in teaching learning process in the condition of eliciting language, checking students’ comprehension, and giving instruction. The most frequent condition of the use of code switching was in eliciting language and the most frequent condition of the use of code mixing was in checking comprehension.en_US
dc.subjectcode-switching, code mixing, teaching English as a foreign languageen_US

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