dc.description.abstract | Vocabulary is one of the language components that plays an important role
in the process of learning English. Tarigan
This research was an experimental research. The purpose of this research
was to know whether or not there is a significant effect of using Bingo game on grade
seven students’ vocabulary achievement at SMP Negeri 1 Bangsalsari. The research
design was quasi experimental research. It was begun from conducting homogeneity
test, deciding the experimental class and control class, giving treatment to the
experimental class, giving the same posttest to the two classes, and the last was
analyzing the result of the posttest by using t -test formula.
The area of this research was SMP Negeri 1 Bangsalsari. It was chosen
purposively because the use of Bingo game had never been applied in the teaching
learning process of vocabulary at this school. The respondence of this research was
grade seven students of SMP Negeri 1 Bangsalsari. Homogeneity test in the form of
vocabulary achievement test was applied to know the homogeneity of population.
Based on the result of ANOVA analysis the condition of the grade seven
students of SMP Negeri 1 Bangsalsari was homogeneous. Therefore VII.A and VII.E
were chosen as the research respondents. In condition, lottery was done to determine
the research samples and divided them into experimental group and control group.
Before giving post test to the two groups, try out was conducted to know
whether the test items were suitable for the students’ level of comprehension. In
addition, it was also to know whether the test needed to be revised or not. The post
test was given to two classes after each group received the teaching learning process
of vocabulary twice.
The primary data of this research which were collected from the students’
scores of vocabulary achievement test can be seen in appendix 7. The supporting data
were gained from interview with the teacher and documentation can be seen in
appendix 10. The primary data were collected and then analyzed by using T-test
formula. The result of T-test in this research showed that there was significant effect
of using Bingo game on the vocabulary achievement of grade seven students. It was
proven by the result of statistic value that was 3. 96 and t - table value with significant
level of 5% was 2.00. It means that the statistic value was higher than t -table value. It
could be understood that there is a significant effect of using Bingo game on the
vocabulary achievement of grade seven students at SMP Negeri 1 Bangsalsari.
Therefore, it is suggested that the English teacher uses Bingo game as a fun way in
teaching learning English, especially in teaching vocabulary. | en_US |