dc.description.abstract | Based on the preliminary study that was done on February 27
most of the eighth year students of SMP Al Baitul Amien Full Day School Jember
faced some difficulties in writing a text in terms of writing by using appropriate
tenses, choosing suitable words and putting the correct punctuations. This was
proven by their writing scores. It showed that 16 (84.21%) of 19 students got <70
and the mean score was 62.1. Besides, the students’ participation in the teaching
learning process of writing was still low. It means that they were still passive in
the classroom.
The classroom action research through teacher’s feedback was
implemented in this research because this research was intended to improve the
eighth year students’ writing achievement and their active participation in the
teaching learning process of writing. In this research, the researcher collaborated
with the English teacher of the eighth year of SMP Al Baitul Amien Full Day
School Jember. The observation and the writing test were the methods that were
used in collecting the data. The data were analyzed quantitatively.
The action was conducted in two cycles in order to achieve the objectives
of this classroom action research. The first cycle was done in three meetings. The
results of the classroom observation indicated that 11 students of 18 students (one
students was sick) or 61.11% of the students who actively participated in the
teaching learning process in the first meeting of cycle 1 and 13 students of 19
students or 68.42% in meeting 2 were active during the teaching learning process.
It showed that there was an improvement of the students’ active participation from
meeting 1 to meeting 2, but it did not achieve the determined objective of the
research that was 70%. In addition, the result of the writing test in the first cycle
had not achieved the criteria of success of the research that was 70% of the
students had to get the score of 70 or higher in the writing test. The percentage of
the students who got score of 70 or higher was only 12 students or 63.15% of 19
Based on the results of the first cycle above, the second cycle was
necessary to be conducted. Some revision had been made to solve the problems
found in the first cycle. It showed an improvement. In the classroom observation,
the students’ participation showed that 14 students or 73.68% in meeting 1 and 16
students or 84.21% in meeting 2 actively participated in the teaching learning
process. So, the result of the observation in meeting 1 and meeting 2 had achieved
the objective of the research. In the writing test, the percentage of the students
who got score ≥ 70 in the writing test was 14 students or 73.68% of 19 students.
Based on those results, it could be concluded that the actions in the second cycle
were successful because the results of classroom observation and writing test
achieved the objectives of the research.
Finally, it can be summarized that the use of Teacher’s Feedback
technique could improve the eighth year students’ achievement in writing a
recount text and their active participation in the teaching learning process of
writing a recount text at SMP Al Baitul Amien Full Day School Jember in
2011/2012 academic year. By considering the results above, it is suggested that
the English teacher use Teacher’s Feedback technique to improve the students’
writing achievement as well as their active participation. Besides, the result of this
research can be used as a source of information for the future researchers who
want to conduct a further research that deals with a similar topic by using different
research design, such as “The Effect of Teacher’s Feedback on students’ writing
achievement at Senior High School Level”. | en_US |