This experimental research was intended to know whether or not there is a
significant effect of using Note Taking technique on the eleventh year students‟ listening
comprehension achievement at SMAN 1 Lumajang in the 2011/2012 academic year.
SMAN 1 Lumajang was chosen purposively as the research area because the English
teacher never teaches listening by applying Note Taking technique to the eleventh grade
students. In addition, it was possible to get permission to conduct the research.
This experimental research covered the stages of administering homogeneity test;
determining two classes as the experimental group and the control group; giving
treatment that was teaching listening comprehension by using Note Taking technique to
the experimental group, while control group were taught by using question and answer
only as usually applied by the teacher; giving listening comprehension test to the two
groups; analyzing the mean score of the two groups by using t-test; drawing a
conclusion based on the data analysis results. The primary data was collected by
administering the listening comprehension test after the treatment given. The supporting
data were collected by interview and documentation.
Homogeneity test in the form of listening comprehension test was conducted to
know the homogeneity of the population. Based on the calculation by using ANOVA
formula the condition of the eleventh grade classes of SMAN 1 Lumajang was
homogenous, therefore lottery was done to determine the research respondents and
divided them into the experimental group and the control group. Based on the result of
lottery, class XI IPS 4 was treated as the experimental class and XI IPS 3 was the control
Before giving post test, try out was conducted to know the reliability of the test
and the suitability of the test to the eleventh grade students‟ of comprehension. In this
research, the analysis of the try out scores proved that the test items were reliable since
the result of the whole score of the test reliability was 0.67. It was considered reliable
since the standard reliability coefficient of teacher made test
0.50. So, the researcher
did not have to make any changes of the test items and the test items of the post test
were administered. Another consideration was the time allocated for the students to do
the test was enough. In addition, the instruction of the test was well understood by the
students. So, it was not necessary for the researcher to revise the instructions and the
time available for doing the test since it was clearly understood by the students and the
students did not have problems with the time given.
The post test was given to both groups after each group received teaching
learning process twice. The result of t-test analysis on the students‟ listening
comprehension achievement test scores that the statistical value of the t-test was higher
than that of the value of t-table with significant level of 5% (4.45 > 2.00). Consequently,
the formulated hypothesis: “There is a significant effect of using Note Taking technique
on the eleventh year students‟ listening comprehension achievement at SMAN 1
Lumajang in the 2011/2012 academic year” was accepted.
Based on the result above, it could be stated that Note Taking technique
significantly affected the students‟ listening comprehension achievement. DRE was
applied in order to know how far the effect of Note Taking Technique gave effect to the
students‟ listening comprehension achievement. The degree of relative effectiveness was
12.2%. It means that the use of Note Taking technique was 12.2% more effective in
teaching listening comprehension than without applying Note Taking technique that was
question and answer technique.
In conclusion, the result of this research proved that Note Taking Technique had a
significant effect on listening comprehension achievement. It could be a consideration
for the English teacher to use Note Taking as a technique in teaching listening
comprehension to make more active situation when the teaching learning process of
listening comprehension was running. Therefore, the students were suggested to learn
listening comprehension by using note taking technique, so that the teaching learning
process of listening comprehension can be effective. In addition, the result of this
research can be used as a reference and information for future researchers to conduct a
further research dealing with the effect of note taking technique by using different
language skills, in similar research design, for example the effect of note taking
technique on the students‟ reading comprehension achievement.