Using Composite Picture to Improve the Eighth Grade Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Achievement at Mts N Arjasa-Jember
This research was a Classroom Action Research focusing on the use of
composite picture to improve the VIII-Cstudents’ descriptive text writing
achievement at MTs N Arjasa-Jember. The participants of this research were the
students of class VIII-C at MTs Negeri Arjasa Jember in the 2015/2016 academic
year. This class was chosen because the students had difficulties in writing
achievement. The students of VII C were lack of vocabulary and less
understanding in grammatical context. Besides, they did not really understand
how to organize their thought into writing. They also had the lowest mean score
of writing achievement comparing with the other eighth grade classes.
In this research, the researcher used composite picture in teaching and
learning process in writing because it is believed that composite picture could
improve the VIII-Students’ writing achievement. Pictures were known as common
and interesting media in education field. There were also many pictures that can
be used to help the students to overcome their difficulty in learning English. In
this case, the use of pictures was considered to be useful because teaching writing
using pictures could be more interesting.
The objectives of the research were: (1)to help students find ideas to
organize the content, select words, and write English tense correctly by using
composite picture (2) To improve the Eighth Grade Students’ descriptive text
writing achievement at MTs N Arjasa-jember.
This research was conducted on October 27
– November 3
, 2016 in two
Cycles. Each Cycle consisted of two meetings of teaching and learning process of
writing and the third meeting was a writing test. There were four stages of
activities in each Cycle, namely planning the action, implementing of the action,
observing and evaluating, analyzing the data and reflecting of the action.
thMeanwhile, the researcher did the observation and the reflection collaboratively
with the English teacher.
The result of reading test in Cycle 1 showed that the percentage of the
students who got score of at least 70 was 55.17% (16)out of 29 students. Then,
the result of reading comprehension test in Cycle 2 showed that the percentage of
the students who got scores 70 were 75.85% (22)out of 29 students. It means that
there was improvement from the first Cycle to the second Cycle as much as
20.68% of the percentage of the students who got score ≥70.
Based on the results of this research, the use of composite picture in teaching
and learning process especially in improving students writing achievement was
able to improve the VIII-C students’ writing achievement during the teaching and
learning process.