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dc.contributor.authorASRIE NUURVITA
dc.description.abstracthis classroom action research was intended to improve the students’ listening skill achievement. There were two cycles in this classroom action research. The researcher used Total Physical Response as a teaching method in both first and second cycle. The research subjects were class 7F students of SMP Negeri 7 in the 2011/2012 academic year. The primary data were collected from the result of observation and the students’ listening test. Meanwhile the supporting data were collected from documentation. The results of observation were analyzed by using the percentage formula to find the percentage of students who were active in t he teaching and learning activit ies, while the students’ listening test were also analyzed by using percentage formula to find the percentage of students who achieved the standard score. In the first cycle, the results of the action showed that the use of Total Physical Response (TPR) in teaching listening can improve the students listening skill achievement and the students’ active participation at SMP Negeri 7 Jember, even though it did not achieve the target requirement of the research. It can be seen from the result of students’ listening test. The mean score in Cycle 1 increased 7 (64) points from the students’ previous listening score that was 57. This was happened because of some problems occurred. They were, the researcher moved from one command to the next command before all students did the commands. Therefore, it made the students became less motivated to join the lesson. Thus, the researcher gave enough time to the students unt il they have already done the commands. The second was dealing wit h the technique of delivering the commands. The researcher asked the students to do the commands wit hout gave them any explanation about unknown imperative verb. It caused the students felt complicated when the researcher asked them to respond the recorded commands. The third was also dealing wit h the technique of delivering the commands. The researcher called the name of students before stating the commands. It caused the other students to be lazy in paying attention to the commands as it might be their turn to do the commands. Therefore, the researcher stated the commands first and then called the students’ name to do the commands. This caused the students paid attention the commands as it might be their turn to do commands. The fourth, the commands should be given proportionally to all students in order that they were able to practice in doing and giving the commands. The fift h, was giving rewards and games to increase the students’ interest during the teaching and learning activit ies. The improvement continues in the second cycle, the results of the action show that the use of Total Physical Response in teaching listening can improve the students’ listening skill achievement because there were 36 of 40 students (90%) achieved the standard score required of the school, that is 70. Meanwhile, both in the first and second cycles, the used of Total Physical Response in teaching listening can improve students’ active participations. There are four indicators of active participations: 1. Giving response to the instruction, 2. Giving commands, 3. Asking question, and 4. Showing gestures. The students considered to be active when they fulfilled at least three indicators provided. From the result s of the observations, 13 out of 40 students (32,5%) in meeting 1 and 17 out of 40 students (42,5%) in meeting 2 were active in the teaching and learning process of listening, and 22 out of 40 students (55%) in meeting 3 and 26 out of 40 students (65%) in meeting 4 were active in the teaching and learning process of listening. In conclusion, using Total Physical Response is one of the effective methods that has a significant effect in improving students’ listening skill achievement. Based on the result of the research, the English teacher is recommended to use Total Physical Response as a method in teaching English especially listening skill.en_US
dc.subjectListening Skill Achievement, Total Physical Responseen_US

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