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dc.contributor.authorwicaksono, I
dc.descriptionFakultas IKP Universitas Jember Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jemberen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to develop ICT based teaching material about the cultivation and processing of sugar cane eligible to membelajarkan science and scientific creativity junior high school students. Land use in Jember district is dominated by the agricultural sector, especially in sugarcane. Bagasse is a renewable energy source and provided quite large, which is in line with one of the strategic role of agriculture is bioenergy. Learning in the 21st century must be built to educate integrating vision technology to generate creative thinking. The form of output (product) that can be targeted is an ICT based teaching material about the cultivation and processing of sugar cane. With a variety of teaching materials increased about cultivation and processing of sugar cane in the form of ICT based teaching materials. The purpose of this study was to develop ICT based teaching book about the cultivation and processing of sugar cane eligible to membelajarkan science and scientific creativity junior high school students include: validity, practicality, and effectiveness of textbooks. The type of research that is used is the adaptation of educational design research on teaching materials that must meet the criteria of a valid, practical, and effective. Teaching materials developed using 4-D models include: definition (define), design (design), development (develop), and the spread (disseminate). Results of ANOVA analysis showed a consistent impact on learning using ICT based teaching material about the cultivation and processing of sugar cane to scientific creativity. Overall third-grade students consistently responded positively to the learning that has been done.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHibah Dosen Pemula 2016en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHibah Dosen Pemula;2016
dc.subjectteaching materialsen_US
dc.subjectscientific creativityen_US
dc.titlePengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Tentang Budi Daya dan Pengolahan Tebu Untuk Membelajarkan IPA dan Kreativitas Ilmiah Siswa SMPen_US

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