This research analyzes some issues related to the representation of
masculinity as seen through the spouse in Gillian Flynn novel entitled Gone Girl
which is published in 2012. The representation of masculinity is represented by
the spouse as seen through their behaviors, languages, statements, and ideas
related to masculinity. The discourse of masculinity and the problems that happen
in the novel are interesting to be discussed. Moreover, I also want to know how
the position of masculinity which is told in the novel and why masculinity is still
to be considered more dominant over other gender identities.
The data of this research are classified into two kinds, primary data and
secondary data. The primary data is any narrative descriptions and dialogues in
Gone Girl that related to the research questions. The secondary data are any
information from out of the novel that related to masculinity particularly in
American society. They are analyzed from the specific cases to general
conclusion. The theory of representation by Stuart Hall is used to analyze the
discourse of masculinity as seen through the spouse in the novel which is
constructed by Gillian Flynn. Then, the concept of hegemonic masculinity by R.
W. Connell is applied to know what kind of masculinity that is constructed in the
novel. After find out how the representation in the novel, all data from in and out
of the novel are used to answer the research problems about contextual
background of the novel and the ideology of the author related masculinity.
Finally, from the analysis, Gillian Flynn wants to influence the readers
about marriage life with complex problems using American society background.
The analysis of representation masculinity in Gone Girl novel also resulted that
masculinity is not something which only associates with men but women can also have masculine side. According to statements, behaviors, and ideas about
masculinity in the novel show masculinity is something unstable. It can change
depend on situation and condition from time to time and it also depends on the contextual bakcground