The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an American novel written by Mark Twain. This novel demonstrates the class struggle by the main character. Jim is a black man who struggles for getting his rights and peaceful life like white people who oppress him. Mark Twain shows the differentiation between black and white people in the society. Jim is a victim of exploitation and oppression because he is poor and black man.
In this case, this analysis provides three problems to discuss. The first problem concerns about how is class struggle reflected by the main character in the novel. The second one represents the causes of the main character’s struggle. And the last one shows the consequences of the struggle toward the main character. This analysis utilises sociological approach and Karl Marx’s theory mainly about class struggle. This research also uses a qualitative method and documentary method. Then for the first problem, this research involves the theory of sociology approach about the social stratification. After that, the second and third ones, this analysis employs the Karl Marx’s theory about class struggle which conducts into class consciousness.
The result of this research indicates that bourgeois have power and dominant role toward proletariat. Then from the beginning until the end of the book money takes a big responsible in the capitalist society. Life does not work without money. It is a sign of materialistic way. The people who are poor and black as Jim do not have their right to be alive in peaceful as white people. Nevertheless, class consciousness appears, Jim is aware to struggle with Huck until the end. Their efforts conduct into the consciousness of the society even though it was so hard to achieve Jim’s dream. Therefore, Jim gets his freedom in the end of the novel.