This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles (Cycle 1 and
Cycle 2) and consisted of four activities which are planning of the action, the
implementation of the action, classroom observation and evaluation, analyzing the
data and reflection. The primary data of vocabulary achievement was obtained by
conducting vocabulary test and classroom observation. The analysis should prove
that at least 75% of the students got ≥70. The supporting data was collected on
October 25th, 2011.
The subject of the research was VIII-B students of SMPN 1 Maron
Probolinggo. The vocabulary test in Cycle 1 revealed 14 or 46.66% of 30 students
achieved ≥ 70. The result failed the target because it only reached 46.66%, which
was remotely under 75% of the subjects getting ≥70. The observation was
conducted based on the following points of indicators: 1) Paying attention to the
teacher explanation, 2) Answering teacher’s oral questions, 3) Using dictionary to
look up the unrecognized meaning of words, and 4) Completing the crossword
puzzle. In the first meeting of Cycle 1, the result of class observation demonstrated
that as many as 18 or 60.00% of 30 students were merely active in participating the
process of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the second meeting of Cycle 1
showed statistically that 22 or 73.33% of the students were actively participating.
The average number of active students in Cycle 1 was 66.65%. This did not even
show a successful attempt in the cycle. Consequently, based on the result, Cycle 1
underwent several revisions to prepare Cycle 2 which were:
1. The teacher gave more exercises to broaden the students’ vocabulary skill.
2. The teacher presented more explanation regarding the crossword puzzle
more clearly.
3. The use of bilingual (English and Indonesian) during the process of teaching
and learning. This was attempted to provide more ease to the students to
understand the explanation and instruction.
4. The teacher gave more time to work on the exercises.
5. The teacher assigned all the students to bring their own dictionary for the
next meetings in Cycle 2.
6. The students were given questions when they did not pay attention.
Based on the result of vocabulary test in Cycle 2, there was seen an
improvement from 14 or 46.66% of 30 students in cycle 1 to 24 or 80.00% of 30
students in Cycle 2 who achieve ≥70. As for the observation, there was found 23 or
76.66% of 30 students were active during the first meeting and the number elevated
to 24 or 80.00% in the second meeting. The average number of active students in
Cycle 2 was 78.33%.
Based on the result of the research, it could be concluded that teaching
vocabulary by using the crossword puzzle was able to further enhance the students’
ability to improve their vocabulary skill and active participation.