In English language teaching (ELT) at Junior High School, reading is one of
the English skills other than listening, speaking, and writing. In teaching learning
activity, reading involves reading activity, such as reading short story, announcement
and poster. Reading is important because by reading students will not only learn
about the language but also get non linguistics information.
This research was intended to describe the eighth grade students’ reading
comprehension achievement especially in reading recount texts at SMPN 9 Jember in
the 2014/2015 academic year. In this study, recount text was used for reading
comprehension achievement which also covered four reading indicators namely:
word, sentence, paragraph, and text comprehension. The area of this research was
determined by using purposive method and the researcher used cluster random
sampling to choose the participants of this research. Moreover, the data were
collected from the student’s reading achievement test score as a primary data and
from the interview and documentation used as the supporting data.
Based on the data analysis, the result showed that most of the eighth grade
students’ reading comprehension achievement at SMPN 9 Jember was categorized as
“fair” with the mean score of their reading comprehension achievement was 72. In
details, no students belonged to “excellent” category, and there were 16 students of
38 students got scores between 75- 89 (good) and 19 students of 38 students had
scores between 60-74 (fair). Meanwhile, there were 3 students who were recorded to
achieve poor score with the score between 45-59. Based on the analysis of each
reading indicator, it was found that the highest score in reading comprehension
achievement was word comprehension with the mean score 79,27 (good). The second
rank was sentence comprehension with the mean score 72.55 (fair). The score of
paragraph comprehension was in the third rank with the mean score 68,42 (fair). The
lowest score was on the text comprehension with the mean score 64.21 (fair).
In conclusion, the eighth grade students still had problems in reading a recount
text for some indicators of comprehension. The result showed that the students only
achieved the standard minimum score in comprehending word meaning. Meanwhile,
they still had difficulties in comprehending the meaning of the other three indicators
i.e: sentence, paragraph and text comprehension. Therefore, it was suggested that the
English teacher should pay more attention on practice based on their weaknesses to
enable them to enhance their reading comprehension. Likewise, it is also suggested to
the future researchers when doing a research on similar topic to concern on these
weaknessess to help students have better skills.