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dc.contributor.advisorSugiyanto Eddie Kusuma
dc.contributor.authorR. Firman Syarif Hidayatullah, Sugiyanto Eddie Kusuma
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to determine the impacts of the Burma 1982 Citizenship Law enforcement on Rohingya Muslims in Burma during the administration of Ne Win. The research used qualitative design. The research used data collection methods and data analysis methods. The draft of the Citizenship Law on chapter 2 and point 3;“Nationals such as the Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, Burman, Mon, Rakhine or Shan and ethnic groups as have settled in any of the territories included within the State as their permanent home from a period anterior to 1185 B.E., 1823 A.D. are Burma citizens.” Consequently, the Burma 1982 Citizenship Law excludes ethnic Rohingya. The results showed that the impact of the Burma 1982 Citizenship Law enforcement by Myanmar Government on Rohingya Muslims is that Rohingyas are not recognized as citizens of Burma, leading to discrimination against Rohingya Muslims in economic sectors where legal fields against Rohingya Muslims. among others, the collection of special taxes and also social economic control on Rohingya. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the impact of the 1982 Burma Citizenship Law enforcement by Myanmar Government on Rohingya Muslims is that Rohingya Muslims are not recognized as citizens of Burma, so it leads discriminations in economic, social and legal fields.en_US
dc.subjectimpact, burma citizenship law enforcement, rohingyaen_US
dc.titleDampak Penerapan Undang – Undang Kewarganegaraan Burma 1982en_US

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