This research aimed to describe the effectiveness of of Microbusiness Empowerment by
Women Cooperative “Wetan Kantor” Admininistrative Village of Jember Lor. The
research used qualitative paradigm with descriptiveresearch type. The research was
conducted based on SOP (standard operating procedure) in Women Cooperative “Wetan
Village” Administrative Village of Jember Lor ranging from loan segmentation to
settlement in order to obtain answers to wether the implementation was in accordance
with the SOP (standard operating procedure) at women cooperative “Wetan Kantor”
Administrative Village of Jember Lor. Meanwhile, the sample information was taken by
purposive sampling . The results showed that the effectiveness of the empowerment made
by Women Cooperative “Wetan Kantor” Sdministrative Village of Jember Lor was by
providing access to capital for microbusiness owners, especially for women in the form
savings and loans. Microfinance function functions to provide capital support for
microbusiness owners to improve their business, so their business run more smoothly and
bigger after gaining the initial capital support; in this case, the funding need is higher
and higher. Therefore, it is necessary to establish microfinance institutions that can
continuously serve their needs. Access to capital for women microentrepreneurs becomes
very important because they have no access to any of the financial institutions;
microfinance institutions enable them to gain easier access to finance.
- SRA-Social And Politic [333]