English becomes one of the important languages in the world. It is used
not only as an international language but also as a means of communication in the
world. By using English, people can communicate with one another although they
come from different countries. English is learned in many countries including
Indonesia. In Indonesia, English is learned as a foreign language. It has been
regarded in the curriculum of education as one of the compulsory subjects that is
given at junior high school and senior high school students. There are four English
skills that must be mastered by learners, namely listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Listening usually becomes a difficult subject for students, especially at
junior high school level. Based on the preliminary study in the form of interview
with the English teacher of SMP Negeri 4 Jember, it was found that many
students in the eighth grade especially in VIII D had difficulty in listening
achievement. The students often found difficulties in catching the ideas from the
spoken language. It was shown by the students’ listening score that was 10 of 34
(29%) students could reach the standard score requirement of the school (75). The
researcher did a classroom action research in order to improve the listening
achievement at class VIII D of SMP Negeri 4 Jember by using animation clips.
This research was intended to improve the students’ listening
comprehension achievement. There were two cycles in this classroom action
research. In the first cycle , the action was teaching listening by using animation
clips 1-3. In the second cycle, the action was listening by using animation clips 4-
6. The animation clips 3 and 6 are for listening test. The test was given at the end
of each cycle. The research subject of this reserach was class VIII D of SMPN 4
Jember. The Primary data were collected from the results of listening test and the
students’ observation. Meanwhile, the secondary data were collected from the
result of interview and documentation. There were two kinds of data obtained in the each action. The first data were obtained through observation for the process
of evaluation and the second data were obtained through listening test for product
evaluation. The process evaluation was done in each meeting during the teaching
learning process of listening by using animation clips. The observation guide in
the form of checklist was provided to measure the students’ participation in the
teaching learning process. The indicators observed were watching video,
answering the teachers’ question, making prediction, and doing the exercise. The
result showed the improvement in Cycle one from 44.12% in the first meeting to
52.94% in the second meeting. Then, in Cycle two there was also showed the
improvement from 67.64 % to 76.47%. Meanwhile, the use of animation clips
also improved the product evaluation from both cycles. It was shown by the result
of the percentage of students’ listening test in each cycle. The first cycle was
44.12 % (15 students), then increased in the second cycle to 73.52% (25 students)
who got score ≥ 75.From those result, it can be conclude that teaching listening
through animation clips can improve Class VIIID Students’ Active Participation
and Listening Achievement through Animation Clips at SMP Negeri 4 Jember in
the 2013/2014 Academic Year.
Considering the results of the action in both cycles, it is suggested that the
English teacher use animation clips in teaching listening process. It is due to the
fact that the use of animation clips could improve the students’ listening
achievement and their active participation.For the students, it is suggested to
familiarize themselves with the native speakers’ voice. The students can have
their own study together with other students by using animation clips. This is
used to motivate the students to learn English by using animation clips. For Future
researcher, hopefully it can be used as a source of information for the future
researchers who want to conduct further reserach that deals with the improvement
of other skill by using animation clips as a media.