This Classroom Action Research was intended to enhance the eighth grade
students’ reading comprehension achievement by using SQ3R technique at SMPN
1 Jelbuk, Jember. Based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher in
the form of interview with the English teacher of SMPN1 Jelbuk Jember, it was
known that the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Jelbuk Jember still have
difficulties in English subject since the eighth grade students’ English scores are
mostly below 75. The problems are they feel sleepy when they join a reading
class, they feel bored easily when the teacher asks them to read a certain text, they
often do not pay attention on what they have to do with the passage, they just read
the text given by the teacher without catching the message of the text. There were
only 15 students who had achieved the passing grade, while 16 students got score
below 75. In other words, only 48% students achieved the passing grade. The
researcher tried to overcome the problem by using SQ3R technique as the
teaching technique in teaching reading narrative text.
The data collection methods used reading test and observation in the form
of checklist to get the primary data. The data were analyzed statistically. The
action was implemented in two cycles in order to achieve the criteria of success of
this research. The first cycle was done in three meetings including the reading
test. The result of the observation toward students’ participation in the first cycle
were 62.07% students were active in meeting 1 and 68.97% students were active
in meeting 2. Those results showed that the students’ active participation in the
first cycle had not achieved the criteria of success. In addition, the result of the reading comprehension test in the first cycle had not achieved the criteria of
success since there were only 68.97% of the students could pass the criteria of
success. Based on the result of the first cycle above, the second cycle was
necessary to be conducted. Some revisions had been made to solve the problems
occurred in the first cycle. In the observation toward students’ active participation
in the second cycle showed an improvement since 76.67% students were active at
the first meeting and 80% students were active in the second meeting. Then, the
result of the reading comprehension test conducted in the second cycle revealed
that 76.67% of the students got score > 75.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that the actions in the second
cycle had achieved the criteria of success. The results of the first cycle to the
second cycle showed an improvement as well as achieved the criteria of success.
Finally, it can be summarized that SQ3R technique could be improved the VIII-C
grade students’ reading comprehension achievement and their active participation
at SMPN 1 Jelbuk, Jember.