This classroom action research was intended to improve the student’s participation and their recount text reading comprehension achievement by using STAD technique. The research participants of this classroom action research were the eighth grade students of SMPN 9 Jember in the 2014/2015 academic year, especially the students of class VIII-F which consisted of 40 students. This research was started by conducting an interview with the English teacher of the eighth grade students at that school on 23rd February 2015. This class was chosen because as informed by the English teacher, this class had the lowest score in reading comprehension achievement and they had the problems in finding the general and the specific information from the text. Although the teacher paired the students to do the exercise, most of the students were less motivated in learning because there was no challenge for them while they were working in group. In this case, Student Teams-Achievement Divisions technique was chosen to help the students to improve their participation and their recount text reading comprehension achievement.
This research was done in two cycles and each cycle covered four stages of activities namely: (1) the planning of the action, (2) the implementation of the action, (3) observation and evaluation of the action, and (4) reflection of the action. Each cycle was conducted in two meetings and followed by a test in the third meeting. In this classroom action research, the researcher and the English teacher implemented the actions collaboratively. The research targets were 75% students got score at least 74 and 75% of the students actively participated in the teaching and learning process of reading comprehension through STAD technique.
From the results of classroom observation in Cycle 1, it was known that the average percentage of the students’ active participation in the first and the second meeting was 58.75%. It means that the observation results in Cycle 1 did not achieve the research success criteria in this research. Based on the results of reading comprehension test, it was known that the percentage of the students who could gain the minimum requirement standard score of 74 or higher was 65%. It indicated that the results of reading comprehension achievement in cycle 1 also did not achieve the research target requirement.
Based on the results of Cycle 1, Cycle 2 was conducted with some revisions to solve the problems found in Cycle 1. After revising the problems, the results of observations and reading comprehension achievement in Cycle 2 showed the improvements. In Cycle 2, the average percentage of the students’ active participation in the first and second meeting was 79.45%. Then, there was an improvement as many as 31.25% of the percentage of the students who got the minimum requirement standard score of 74 or higher from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. Since the actions in Cycle 2 achieved the research success criteria, the second cycle was stopped.
Based on the results above, it could be concluded that the use of STAD technique was able to improve class VIII-F students’ active participation and their recount text reading comprehension achievement at SMP Negeri 9 Jember in the 2014/2015 academic year. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teacher to apply STAD technique more frequently as the technique when teaching reading comprehension especially and teaching other skills in English. It is also suggested to the students to be familiar to and use STAD technique when learning reading comprehension or other skills in English as an alternative technique in improving their ability in English. Moreover, it also suggested to the future researchers to use the results of this action research as a reference to conduct the same research but in different design of research to develop the quality of teaching reading comprehension. Further, it is suggested to apply STAD technique with the other strategy like asking the students to answer the individual quiz orally. By answering the quiz orally, it will make the students more motivated in learning.