Land conversion on open land or unproductive land to be used as the building will reduce the infiltration of rain
water into the ground. If it is allowed there will be a run-off which can reduce soil fertility. One solution to cope with
run-off and increase soil fertility is to make an biopore infiltration hole (LRB). The purpose of this research were to
determine the availability and rapid available of nutrient content (N, P, and K) in LRB system with different rainfall
intensity. This researh was making LBR in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember, with 10 cm
diameter, 100 cm depth and 100 cm space between the LRB. 6 LRB were made (3 LRB filled with compost and other 3
were absent), and each LRB given a different watering. The amount of water synchronized with rainfall intensity
namely 50 mm/day, 100 mm/day, and 200 mm/day. The results showed that the supply of nutrients N, P, and K on the
LRB given compost and watering for seven consecutive days higher and faster than the LRB without compost and soil
without treatment. While the dissolved nutrients in the soil available large and rapid succession is N, K, and P. N and
K with 200 mm/day watering, and P with 50 mm/day watering. Therefore, it can be seen that the LRB has compost can
influence and give an important role to improve soil fertility.