Perancangan Alat Ukur Kadar Protein Dengan Tingkat Kekeruhan Urine Berbasis Database System
This research is conducted to make a measurement tool for non-invasive kidney disruption patients. The
detection is done without touching the kidney disruption patients’ body. Urine with the reduction of positive
protein will produce turbidity or discoloration that can be affected the light intensity which is captured by
photodiode censor. Variation of voltage which is produced by the censor will be converted into digital signals by
ADC and will be displayed through a computer in the form of database system. From the result of the laboratory
testing, it said that the value which is generated if the patients were negative in kidney disruption, the value was
154 ppm, whereas if the patients were positive in kidney disruption, the value became 74 ppm. So I took the
standardize for my observation tool if the value is above 100 ppm, it is negative and if the value is below 100
ppm, it is positive. The software that is used in this research consists of two parts, software for microcontroller
program by using Bascom AVR, and software in the computer to show the result of censor perusal by using
Python database PHPMyadmin. The perusal ADC value will be converted to ppm in microcontroller. Phyton
displayed the chart. Next, the data is sent to the database PHPMyadmin. The testing of the normal patient was 0
(negative), 154 ppm and the sick patient was 180 (positive), 76 ppm. The range of 100 ppm as midpoint
references, if the value of ppm is more than 100, the protein content is negative, and if the value of ppm is less
than 100, the protein content is positive. The testing in the laboratory uses two samples of urine, from the normal
and sick patient.