PENGENDALIAN PROSES OPERASI PADA CV. LUNA TOUR AND ORGANIZER DI JEMBER (Controlling Operation Process CV. Luna Tour And Organizer In Jember)
The number of travel agencies and travel agents in the tourism industry makes competition fiercer .
Each company has its own strategy in determining a strategic policy in the interest of consumers. This
research aimed to describe the control of operational process at CV. Luna Tour and Organizer. The
results showed that the company carried the control by performing the work instructions at each stage
of the operation process. The stages consisted of input, transformation, and output. The control of
operational process in the input stage was in the form of implementation of work instructions that
contained the standards in the process of dealing marketing. The control in the transformation stage
was the implementation of work instructions during tour preparation, tour implementation and tour
finishing. The control was performed by the company in order that the whole process of the tour went
in line with the company’s planning. The control of operational process in the output stage included
tour evaluation. This was done in oder that the company be able to analyze the weaknesses and
strengths in the execution of the tour, so it can be improved for the next tour activities.
- SRA-Social And Politic [333]