This Classroom action research was intended to improve the eight grade
students’ achievement and their active participation in speaking class by using drama
technique at SMPN 2 Ledokombo in the 2014/2015 academic year. It was started by
conducting informal interview with the English teacher of the eight grade students of
SMPN 2 Ledokombo. There were 3 classes of eight grade at the school. Class VIIIB
was chosen purposively as the subjects of this research because based on the result of
preliminary study to the class VIIIB of SMPN 2 Ledokombo, the students
experienced difficulties in speaking test. They usually felt unconfident to speak up. It
made their speech less fluent. They also pronounced the TL words incorrectly and
afraid of making mistakes in choosing the right vocabulary. The teacher explained
that the students’ activeness in the learning process of speaking was low. It happened
because most of them felt unconfident and afraid of expressing their own ideas in oral
language. In addition, they were usually reluctant to participate in teaching learning
process. It makes the students’ performance in speaking test not optimal.
Considering the problems above, role play as a part of drama technique was
chosen as a technique in teaching speaking to improve the students’ participation and
achievement in speaking class. Classroom action research with cycle model was
applied in this study. The action classroom research was carried out to improve the
students’ achievement and participation in speaking class by using drama technique at
the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ledokombo in the 2014/2015 academic year. In
the implementation, there was only one cycle which consist of three meeting. This
classroomaction research was done with a sequence of steps namely: the planning of
the action, the reflection of the action class observation and evaluation, and data
analysis and reflection of the action. The classroom observation used an observation
checklist to identify the students’ active participation while the speaking test used
scoring criteria to measure the students’ speaking achieevement. The action were
successful if 75% students participated actively in the speaking class and 75%
students have achieved the target score that was 70.
The result of action in meeting 1 unsuccessfully met the target indicators.
There were only 17 students among 24 students (71%) who were active in this
meeting. However, there was an improvement on the students participation in
meeting 2. There were 20 of 24 students or 83% of the students participated actively
in speaking class and 20 students or 83% achieved the target score. In addition, the
general result of cycle 1 was 77% of the students were actively participated in the TL
process of speaking using drama technique. This result had fulfilled the target
indicators of the research. Hence, the action was stopped. This improvement
happened because of some aspects that were revised in the lesson plan for meeting 2.
The revised aspects were 1). Adding some warm up excercises in order to make the
students motivated in the learning process. And 2). Adding the time for completing
and making up the play for 20 minutes. Considering the reserach result, it was
suggested that the English teacher use Drama Technique especially role play as an
alternative technique in teaching speaking.