All people should use good language to communicate each others.
Fardhani (2003:1) states that vocabulary is an important aspect of language
learning and no language exists without any words. In line with this statement, the
students are required to be able to master vocabulary in order to master other
language skills and components.
The subjects of this research were the students of VII-A grade at SMP
Negeri 11 Jember in the 2014/2015 academic year. This class was chosen because
the students in that class were passive in the English classand they had the lowest
mean score of English midterm test scores comparing with the other five classes
of the seventh grade. It was seen from the mean score of their test that was only
65.45 which did not reach the standard score in that school, that is 72. Besides, the
students had difficulties in learning vocabulary, especially in spelling,
memorizing, and understanding the meaning of the words. So that, the objectives
of this classroom action research were to improve the students’ vocabulary
achievement and their participation in teaching and learning process.
There were two kinds of important data in this research: primary data and
secondary data. Theprimary data were collected through vocabulary test and
observation, while the secondary data were taken from interview and
This research was conducted on May 18th - May 29th, 2015 in two cycles
to get the primary data in the form of vocabulary achievement test and
observation. Each cycle consisted of two meetings and a vocabulary achievement
test. In each meeting, the researcher and the English teacher did collaboration. The
researcher was teaching vocabulary through English songs while the English
teacher was observing the students in class.
The vocabulary achievement test was needed to know the students’
vocabulary achievement after learning vocabulary through some English songs in
class. The target percentage of the students’ vocabulary achievement was at least
70% students who got the standard minimum requirement score, which is 72. The
result of vocabulary achievement test in the first cycle showed that there were 23
students (60.5%) got score at least 72. It means that the target percentage of the
students’ vocabulary achievement in Cycle 1 did not achieve yet. Based on the
results of the first cycle above, the actions were continued to the second cycle
because the result of the first cycle did not achieve the criteria of success of the
research yet. In addition, the result of the students’ vocabulary achievement in the
second cycle showed that there were 31 students (81.6%) could achieve the
standard minimum requirement score, that is 72. It means that the target
percentage of the students’ vocabulary achievement in Cycle 2 had achieved.
Further, the observation was used to know the students’ active
participation during the teaching learning process of vocabulary by using English
songs. The target percentage of the students’ active participation was at least 70%
students who were active in class. There were two meetings in each cycle. In the
first cycle Meeting 1, there were 22 active students (57.9%) besides in Meeting 2
there were 28 active students (73.7%). The average result of the students’ active
participation in Cycle 1 was 65.8%. It means that the target percentage of the
students’ active participation in Cycle 1did not achieve yet. Thus, the
observationswere continuedto the second cycle. In the second cycle Meeting 1,
there were 30 active students (78.9%) besides in Meeting 2 there were 32 active
students (84.2%). The average result of the students’ active participation in Cycle
2 was 82%. It means that the target percentage of the students’ active participation
in Cycle 2 had achieved.
The successful results of this research could be reached by revising some
weaknesses found in Cycle 1, so it could give better results in Cycle 2. Finally it
could be reported that the use of English songs in teaching vocabulary could
improve the seventh grade students’ vocabulary achievement at SMP Negeri 11
Jember in the 2014/2015 academic year.