Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Correlation of Daily Work Duration and Burnout Syndrome Incidence of COVID-19 Referral Hospital Health Workers at Jember 

      RAHARJO, Angga Mardro; ISLAMI, Ananda Aliza Nurul; MARDIJANA, Alif; FIRDAUS, Jauhar; ADJI, Novan Krisno (24th International Meeting on Respiratory Care, 2023-06)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the workload of health workers, especially the duration of daily work. This increased work duration will result work stress and lead to mental health problems,which known as ...
    • Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Santri/Santriwati) 

      ELFIAH, Ulfa; RUMASTIKA, Nindya Shinta; WAHYUDI, Septa Surya; ADJI, Novan Krisno; AMINI, Stefia Aisyah; ARTAMA, Alfila Faa’is; FILLAH, Kuni Afroh Ala’aisya; HATIM, Hatim (UPA Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2023-10-01)
      Kesehatan reproduksi adalah keadaan sejahtera baik fisik, mental, sosial yang utuh dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan fungsi, peran dari sistem reproduksi baik pria maupun wanita. Pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi ...