Peranan Karies Gigi Sulung terhadap Patogenesa Karies Gigi Permanen
Introduction. Nowadays, the prevalence of caries increse, althogh effort of its prevention is accomplished continuously. One of its causes is supposed quality of tooth is low i.e. Enamel hypoplasia and hypocalcification. Caries of primary tooth can cause the enamel hypoplasia and hypocalcification and premature eruption on scondary teeth. Enamel hypoplasia and hypocalcification and tooth which premature eruption have low quality of structure. Object of the study was to know the role of caries of primary tooth to pathogenesis of caries on sconday tooth. Methode. Severe caries of primary tooth produce alveolar bone resorption and spreading of inflammation at around tooth germ. If ameloblast is achieving perform formation tooth matrix can trigger disturbance so that it will died and discontinue secretion of tooth matrix formation agent. In addition to, over resorption on alveolar bone during growing and development of tooth affect stabiliy of secondary tooth and movement tooth to coronal. That condition product premature tooth. The teeth have low quality so that suspectible to caries. Conclusions of the study are advance primary tooth caries cause enamel hypoplasi, hypocalcification and premature eruption on scondary tooth that have character susceptible to caries