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dc.contributor.authorR. A. Djauhari; Dafik; Sunardi
dc.description.abstractThe quality of maths student textbook influences the learning process. There a lot of maths textbook used by students, but the main textbook which is recommended by indonesian goverment is 2013 curriculum textbook. Since 2013 curriculum is a new curriculum, we found some mistakes of textbook, especially maths textbook. Therefore, we need to analyze the textbook for the quality improvement in the future. The analysis of mathematic textbook consists of two main aspects: (1) the analysis relating to content, orientation methods and its relevancy for higher order thinking skills (2) the analysis relating to physical characteristics and teacher guide book. The two aspects are mainly derived from Bell criterions. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results show that maths textbook produced by 2013 curriculum still indicates inappropriateness with Bell criterions, and some of the available problems of maths textbook do not support the existence of creative thinking skill.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSemnas FKIP UNEJ;2015
dc.subjectMaths textbook, Bell Creterion, Creative thinking skillen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Buku Siswa Kelas VIII Produk Kurikulum 13 Berdasarkan Kriteria Bell dan Kesesuaian Dengan Unsur-Unsur Karakteristik Berpikir Kreatif Siswaen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US

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