A Descriptive Study of the Seventh Grade Students’ Ability in Writing
Procedure Text at SMPN 1 Wuluhan Jember in the 2013/2014 Academic
Year.SilmiIdiyatilFithriyah,070210401117; 2014:48 pages; English Language
Education Study Program, Language and Art Department, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Jember University.
This research is intended to investigate the students’ ability in writing skills,
especially in writing procedure text.The population of this research was the grade
seven students of SMPN1 Wuluhan Jember are homogenous so that the class G was
chosen randomly by lottery. The problem formulation was as follows: How is the
seven grade students’ ability in writing a procedure text at SMPN 1 Wuluhan Jember
in 2013/2014 academic year? Based on the formulation, the objective of the research
is to describe the seventh grade students’ ability in writing procedure text at SMPN 1
Wuluhan Jember in 2013/2014 Academic Year based on grammar, vocabulary,
mechanics and organization (generic structure).
This research was used qualitative research design with the focus on the
analysis of writing procedure text by the grade VII-G of SMPN 1 Wuluhan Jember.
The research area of this research was determined by purposive method. Purposive
method is a method used based on certain purposes and reasons. This school, SMPN
1 Wuluhan Jember is selected by some reasons. First, procedure text has been taught
at SMPN 1 Wuluhan Jember in the second semester 2013/2014 academic year.
Second reasons are the School Principal and the English Teacher granted permission
to conduct the research in this school. So the data needed in this research could be
The primary data was collected by giving the writing test. The test used was
teacher-made test. The type of test was subjective test because it gave opportunity to
the students to express their idea with their own style. The test material had been
consulted first to the English teacher to know whether or not it is appropriate with the
participants’ level of ability and the materials have been learned by the students
before. This test was used to measure the students’ writing procedure text ability in
the aspects of grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, and organization. The test conducted
for 40 minutes at one meeting. The test was completed with the instructions. It
consisted of six to seven sentences to write a procedure text in the form of paragraph.
The topic of the test was “How to make ice tea”.
The scoring of the test was done by inter-rater scoring. It is because inter-rater
technique is more effective to minimize the subjectivity. The scores are the researcher
and the researcher’s colleague who is a graduate of the same department with the
researcher (Miss NS). This colleague also has the same background education and has
no interaction with the students that it can reduce the subjectivity. Concerning with
the scoring system, the students’ writing test was evaluated analytically. There are
four aspects that were scored analytically. They are grammar, mechanics,
organization, and vocabulary.
Based on the result of the data analysis of the students’ score in writing
procedure text entitled “ How to make ice tea”, it was found that the students’ writing
ability in writing procedure text was classified as “good” category or 73.47. The
range of score was 70 – 79.
Based on the results of the research, it could be concluded that the Grade VIIG
students’ writing ability in writing procedure text at SMPN 1 Wuluhan Jember in
the 2013/2014 academic year was classified as “good” category or 73.47. The range
of score between 70-79.
From the research, the researcher would like to propose suggestion for: The
English teacher and The Other researcher. The English teacher suggested to providing
some writing exercise more intent to the students especially in paragraph writing. The
other researchers are suggested to conduct further research with the same topic but
different topic of analysis.