A Study on the Seventh Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability of
Descriptive Texts at SMPN 6 Jember; Fanny Febriana Purwitasari Armadiani,
080210491024; 2014; 46 pages; English Language Education Study Program,
Language and Arts Education Department, the Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education Department, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember
Reading is one of important skills for the human life, especially to the
students in learning English. Beside that, The students are able to comprehend
what they read. They are able to comprehend the text to get the ideas and make a
conclusion about the information from the text as intended by the writer.
The design of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The
purpose of this research was to describe the seventh grade students’ reading
comprehension ability of descriptive texts at SMPN 6 Jember. More specifically,
this research to measure students’ reading comprehension ability covering
comprehending word, comprehending sentence, comprehending paragraph, and
comprehending text. The area of this research, SMPN 6 Jember, was chosen
purposively because the reading comprehension of descriptive texts has never
been applied in teaching learning process reading comprehension in this school.
This research was conducted to Grade VII of SMPN 6 Jember, as the research
subject, which was determined by purposive method. The number of the
respondents were 38 students in class A and 36 students in class B.
In collecting data, the data of this research were collected from the
students’ score of reading comprehension ability test and the data were consisted
of documentation and interview. Interview was used to know the teaching reading
taught in the seventh grade students at SMPN 6 Jember. Based of the interview
the researcher got some information about the teaching English activity especially
in teaching reading comprehension. The materials to the students from textbook
and used LKS as workbook. Beside, the documentation was used to get the data
that were related with the topic research. From the documentation the researcher
got the teachers’ lesson plan, the lists of mid-term score class VII to get the
research classes, the English curriculum that used in SMPN 6 Jember and the
names of research respondents.
Reading comprehension ability test purposed to measure the students’
reading comprehension ability about descriptive text. But before the reading test,
the researcher conducted the try out. That purposed to measured the reliability of
the test, to know the difficulty level of the test items, the instruction was clear or
not and the time allocation was enough or not. The try out test given in another
class who did not belong to the research respondents.
Based on the result of the students’ test reading comprehension ability of
descriptive texts covering word comprehension, sentence comprehension,
paragraph comprehension and text comprehension. The data were in form of
percentage score (reading comprehension ability) was analyzed by using
descriptive scoring. The highest percentage of four indicators was word
comprehension with the percentage 83.08% which belonged to the “very good”
category. Then, the percentage of the sentence comprehension that was 74.21%
which belonged to “good” category. The percentage of paragraph comprehension
was 69.47% which classified as “fair” category. The lowest percentage of four
indicators was the text comprehension with the percentage 57.89% that was
classified as “poor” category. From the result above, it can be concluded that the
students of grade VII in SMPN 6 Jember has ability in reading comprehension of
descriptive text because the average was classified as “good” level with the
percentage 73.94%.
In conclusion, it can be concluded that the teaching English in reading
comprehension ability of descriptive text needs to be developed especially in the
lowest indicator, text comprehension. It can be suggested to give the students
more various materials and using the interesting media that purposed to help the
students understand about the materials. For the future researchers, this research
results is needed to be a useful reference to do a further research with the same
topic in different designs.