dc.description.abstract | Based on the analysis of the students’ post test score, it showed that the value of ttest
(3,428) was greater that the value of t-table (2,0066). This result showed that the null
hypothesis (Ho) was rejected while the alternate hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It means
that there is a significant effect of using Reciprocal Teaching strategy on the eleventh year
students’ reading comprehension of narrative texts at SMAN 1 Bondowoso in the
2013/2014 academic year.
After that, the researcher continued the data analysis of post test scores to the
Degree of Relative Effectiveness (DRE) to know how far Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
affected the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The result of DRE was 14%. It
means that Reciprocal Teaching Strategy was 14% more effective than Question and
Answer technique that was used to teach the control group.
Based on the result of the research, some suggestions are proposed to the English
teacher, the students, and the other researchers. For the English teacher, it is suggested that
the English teachers of SMAN 1 Bondowoso use Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in teaching
reading to increase the students’ reading comprehension achievement because it was
proved that Reciprocal Teaching strategy gave significant effect on the students’ reading
achievement. For the students, it is suggested that they actively involve themselves in
teaching learning process by practicing their English by using Reciprocal Teaching
Strategy. For the other researchers, hopefully it can be used as a consideration to conduct
further research dealing with similar topic by using different text genre like hortatory
exposition or recount text, different research design like a classroom action research to
improve the students’ reading comprehension, or in different research area like at junior
high school levels. | en_US |