EVALUASI PROGRAM PEMBERIAN MAKANAN TAMBAHAN PEMULIHAN (PMT-P) PADA BALITA BGM TAHUN 2013 (Studi Kasus di Desa Sukojember Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jelbuk Kecamatan Jelbuk Kabupaten Jember)
In order to improve the children under five years old nutritional status and to increase the role and participation of the society especially the mother of them to handling under red line weight (BGM) at the Jelbuk Community Health Center and one of the effort was by holding recovery supplement feeding’s program (PMT-P) for under red line weight (BGM). The study was conducted to evaluate the PMT-P program at Jelbuk Community Health Center by system approach. The type of the study was descriptive. The results of the study show that on input there were many aspect that has appropiate by the guidelines of PMT-P Ministry of Health and the guidelines of PMT-P Jember District, but the implementation of the method was not appropriate by the guidelines of PMT-P Ministry of Health and guidelines of PMT-P Jember District, on process there were many aspect that has appropriate by the guidelines of PMT-P Ministry of Health and guidelines of PMT-P Jember District, but the planning and organizing aspect about coordination was not appropriate, on output for the successfully of PMT-P was not appropriate by the guidelines of PMT-P Ministry of Health and guidelines of PMT-P Jember District in 2013 was still under the target was 44%.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]