Efisiensi Waktu Penggantian Oli setelaha Penerapan Program 5R pada Bengkel X78
Work efficiency is working with emotion,effort,time and a bit exhausted. A company which is not effective and efficient might be caused by work environment which less of attention, so that influence to employer and equipment that used to work. This case causes detriment for the company, such as wasting time, cost and work accident. One of the concept to solve those problems are deciding 5R programme (ringkas, rapi, resik, rawat, rajin). The purpose of this research was analyzing time efficiency of oil replacement after implementation of 5R programme at X repaired shop. This research used quasi experimental design with time series design for the type of research. It was done in four phases. First phase, early assessment of 5R in there and measure time of oil replacement. In second phase, socialization and implementation of 5R programme. In third phase, adaptation after implementation.The last phase, last assessment of 5R and measure time of oil replacement after implementation of 5R programme. It used standard work time formulas for calculate the time of oil replacement. The result showed the efficiency time of oil replacement increase by 9% after implementation of 5R programs. It suggest that the owner of X repaired shop should be immediately creating the facility of work place by making tools storage shelf and monitoring the performance of employees rely on 5R programs,improvement of visual management, also doing follow up about 5R programme.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]