Dampak Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Nelayan Puger
most fisherman community at west puger live through the decreasing income due to the effect of fuel oil (BBM) price increase. almost all type of boats and fisherman's social strata existing at west puger feel sorrow because of their worse income. the main bad effect of increasing fuel oil (BBM) price is the number of fish haul and the quality of them. the reason is that by the increase of BBM elsewhere, all types of boats cannot sail at the near sea-shore, such as salmon, tenggiri and others, but the cheap and invaluable fish, such as kinds of lemuru, etc. fisherman as a whole cannot have a spirit of bravery to speculate doing something uncertain. in conclusion, they have no other choice but accepting their powerless destiny.
- CSR-Mandiri [18]