The data collection methods used sentence writing test and the observation in the form of checklist to get the primary data. The data were analyzed statistically. The action was implemented in two cycles in order to achieve the criteria of success of this classroom action research. The first cycle was done in three meetings including the test. The result of the classroom observation showed that 67,88% in Meeting 1 and 70,83% in Meeting 2 of the students were active during the teaching learning process. It showed that there was improvement of the students‟ active participation from meeting 1 to meeting 2. The students‟ active participation in Cycle 1 achieved the target of this research. Meanwhile, the action
were continued into Cycle 2 as a reinforcement and to know the consistency of the students‟ active participation in the teaching learning process of sentence writing by using Pocket Chart. In addition, the result of the sentence writing test in the first cycle achieved the criteria of success of the research that was 65% or more the students got 70 or higher in the sentence writing test. The percentage of the students who got score ≥ 70 was 16 of 24 students or 66,66%. Meanwhile, the actions were continued to Cycle 2 as a reinforcement and to know the consistency of the students‟ sentence writing scores in the test in Cycle 2. In the classroom observation, the students‟ active participation improved from 70,37% in the first meeting to 72,72% in the second meeting. The result of sentence writing test showed that 69,56% of students got score >70 or higher.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that the actions in the 1st and the 2nd cycles had achieved the criteria of success of the research. However, the actions were still continued to Cycle 2 as a reinforcement and to know the consistency of the students‟ active participation in the teaching learning process of sentence writing by using Pocket Chart and the students‟ sentence writing scores. The results of the first cycle to the second cycle showed an improvement as well as achieved the criteria of success. The improvement were 2,9% for sentence writing scores and 2,19% for students‟ active participation. Finally, it can be summarized that the use of Pocket Chart could improve the eighth grade students‟ ability in sentence writing and their participation during teaching learning process of sentence writing at SMP Negeri Sucopangepok, Jelbuk, Jember in the 2013/2014 Academic Year.