The results of the vocabulary test after the action in the first cycle showed that
the percentage of the students’ who got good score category (≥73) was 62.5% (20
students). The cycle of this research was considered successful if 75% of the students
got score ≥73 (good score category). It means that the target percentage of the
students gaining ≥73 (good score category) had not been achieved yet. The
observation was conducted by using the observation checklist containing some
indicators, namely: 1) The students pay attention to the lesson 2) The students raised
their hands when the teacher gave oral questions about the flashcards, 3) The students
answered the teacher’s oral question, 4) The students did the vocabulary exercises. In
Cycle I, the results showed that there were 22 students or 68.75% who were actively
participated in the teaching learning process of vocabulary in the first meeting and
there were 23 students or 71.87% who actively participated in the teaching learning
process of vocabulary in the second meeting. Therefore, the actions were contained in
Cycle II, by revising the teaching techniques in Cycle I. The revising teaching
techniques were:
1. The pictures were made bigger.
2. The researcher and the teacher improved the frequency of showing flashcards
into five times.
3. The teacher and the researcher added the period of time to flash the picture
into eight second.
Having conducted the action in cycle II, the results of vocabulary test showed
that the percentage of the students who got scores ≥73 increased from 62.5% (20
students) in Cycle I to 78.12% (25 students) in Cycle II. In Cycle II for the first
meeting, there were 26 students of 32 students (81.25%) who were actively
participated in the teaching learning process. In the second meeting, there were 27
students of 32 students (84.37%) who actively participated in teaching learning
process. It means that the students were more active in Cycle II than in Cycle I.
Based on the result, it could be concluded that the use of flashcards could
improve the students’ vocabulary achievement and their participation in the teaching
learning process. It is suggested that the teacher vary their teaching techniques by
using various media or teaching aids, for example flashcards to improve the students’
vocabulary achievement. The students are suggested to be more active in the learning
activities in the class to improve their vocabulary achievement.