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dc.contributor.authorRisa Purwanti
dc.contributor.authorPudjo Suharso
dc.description.abstractThe role of women as itinerant herbalist in the Ambulu of Jember in sustaining the family survival is very large. The women go to work for a living in order to maintain and improve the family's economic life. This research aims to know the woman's work ethic of itinerant herbalist. The subjects in this research amounted to 6 persons those are 2 subjects have a husband and a dependent of school children, 2 subjects have a husband without dependents of school children, and 2 subjects widow with a dependent school children. Data collection methods that used are in-depth interviews, observation, and document. Analysis of the data in the research is conducted by reviewing all the data, reducing the data, arranging the data in units, categorizing the data, determining validity of the data, and interpreting the data. The results show that the whole subject has a work ethic, among other things: hard work, responsibility, self-sufficient, frugal, and future oriented. The findings in this research that subject widow have a hard work ethic and independence of higher status than subjects who has a husband. It is proven that subject widow has allocated work time 12-14 hours per day, while the subject of the status of having a husband only has a time allocation of work 9-10 hours per day. The independences of a subject who has widow are able to work alone, able to support the family economy, and having role as the whole decision makers in fulfilling the needs of the family.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal pendidikan Ekonomi;Volume VIII, Edisi 2, April 2014
dc.subjectWork Ethics, Work Hard, Independenten_US
dc.titleEtos Kerja Wanita Penjual Jamu Keliling di Kecamatan Ambulu Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2013en_US

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