According to the WHO, garbage is something useless, not worn, disapproved, or something dumped comes from human activities and does not occur by itself. The
garbages on the beach can disrupt the aesthetics, contaminating the sea, and disturb
the healthy of people who live on the coast. The purpose of this research is to describe the coastal communities domestic waste management and provide alternative community-based domestic waste management in the coastal area of
Ambunten Sub-district Sumenep District. This research is descriptive research. Data were analyzed using descriptive. The results of the research showed that the domestic waste reduction were included into average category with the reduce methods by rarely as many as 89 respondents (96,73%), the reuse methods as many as 92 respondents (100%) with frequently (21,74%) and rarely (78,26%), and the recycle methods by rarely as many as 18 respondents (19,56%), so not all waste is prossesed using the reduce, reuse, and recycle methods. Domestic waste sorting by the community included into bad category as many as 92 respondents (100%). Domestic waste disposal by the community included into good category as many as 82
respondents (89,13%). Domestic waste collection by community included into bad category as many as 90 respondents (97,83%). Domestic waste transfer by the community included into bad category as many as 92 respondents (100%). Domestic waste processing by the community included into bad category as many as 92 respondents (100%). Community-based domestic waste management which should be
applicable by the coastal communities in Ambunten Sub-district Sumenep District are apply of the domestic waste sorting, provide organic and anorganik waste dump and increase the use of 3R methods (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]