HUBUNGAN METODE PENGGUNAAN PESTISIDA DENGAN RESIDU PESTISIDA (PROFENOFOS) PADA CABAI KECIL (Capsicum frustescens) (Studi pada Petani Cabai Kecamatan Mayang Kabupaten Jember)
Chili (Capsicum Frustescens) is one of the largest production of vegetables in
Kabupaten Jember in the last three years. The use of pesticides is the main alternatif
by farmers to control pests and diseases in plants, this is done to avoid the
occurrence of crop failure due to damage to chili plants. This research aimed to know
of the relationship between a method of the use of pesticides (including the use of
pesticides right kinds, appropriate doses, exactly quality, right on target, on time, and
right way/application) with the residue of pesticides by using design research cross
sectional. Respondents in this research were 25 farmers in Mayang Sub District
Jember District and 25 samples of chili from each farmers. Pesticide residues
obtained from the results of laboratory tests on the active ingredients profenofos in
chili. Data were analyzed by using Phi Coefficient (Rφ) test statistics with α = 0,05.
The results showed that there was no significant correlation (Sig > α) between the
right kind of pesticide use, the right quality and the right way/application to pesticide
residue on chili. But, there was a significant correlation (Sig < α) between the use of
appropriate doses of pesticides, the right on target, and right time to pesticide residue
on chili. From this results suggested the chili farmers to read the product label
procedures for the use of pesticides in accordance with the provisions.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]