The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Total Population,
Number of Industry, and the GDP of the advertisement tax revenue in the city of
Jember. The results of this study are expected to provide input for the benefit and
the Local Government of Jember, especially the Office of Financial Management.
Regression model used is multiple linear regression (Multiple Linear Regression
Method) by the method of least squares or ordinary least squares (OLS), the type
of data used secondary data covering GDP in 2000-2011, the population data from
2000 to 2011, data on the industry years 2000-2011.
Partial regression results through the t test to obtain the result that the
effect of variable population (X1) has a positive effect but not significant to the
advertisement tax revenue in Jember seen from the regression results for 7130 and
the probability is 0.802. While the effect of a variable number of industries (X2)
against Advertisement Tax revenue (Y) and a significant positive effect on the
acceptance of advertisement tax in Jember regression results for 0002 and 0044
probabiltas count, and admission variables influence GDP (X4) against
Advertisement Tax revenue (Y) positive and significant impact on acceptance of
advertisement tax in Jember Regression Results of 4.73006 and probilitas count
value of 0.020. While the results of R ² of 0541 this means that 54.1% Advertising
Tax revenue changes are influenced by variable number of residents, number of
industries, and the acceptance of GDP while the remaining 49.9% were caused by
other factors not included in the regression equations.