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dc.contributor.authorDyah Puspito Rukmi
dc.description.abstractIn urban area, there can be seen so many home industries like laundry businesses. Most of them dispose their waste water into streams like drains resulting on the environmental damage by the containing detergent waste. A simple way to process the waste water is attaching a water plant like Eichhornia crassipes which potentially can reduce the detergent, BOD and COD concentration in the waste water being treated. This research was an experimental research with laundry waste water as the samples. As the treatmment, the waste water of the experimental groups were given 25%, 50% and 100% Eichhornia crassipes on their surfaces. Meanwhile, the waste water as the control group had not been covered with any Eichhornia crassipes. Afterward, the effect of the treatment on both the experimental and control groups were observed within 5 days before being tested in the laboratory. When being analyzed on ANOVA, the probablity value was lower than 0.05 which indicated a statistically there is an average difference between the four groups were significant. The analysis showed that the reduction of detergent, BOD and COD concentration was at 19,63%, 37,24% and 20,93% respectively. In conclusion, the result of the treatment showed that there was a decreasing concentration of the detergent, BOD and COD in the waste water of the experimental groups eventhough the decreasing percentage was relatively small. Therefore, it is suggested that laundry business owner can further process their waste water by applying the treatment employed in this research in order to decrease the environmental damage by their waste water.en_US
dc.subjectEichhornia crassipes, laundry, detergent, BOD, CODen_US
dc.titleEFEKTIVITAS ECENG GONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes) DALAM MENURUNKAN KADAR DETERJEN, BOD, DAN COD PADA AIR LIMBAH LAUNDRY (Studi di Laundry X di Kelurahan Jember Lor Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten Jember)en_US

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