dc.description.abstract | This experimental research was intended to find the effect of Questioning
Technique on the eleventh year students’ listening achievement at MAN 1 Jember.
The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Jember
consisting of nine classes. The respondents were two of the nine classes of the
eleventh grade students, one was treated as the experimental group and the other one
as the control group; the classes were determined by using cluster random sampling
by considering the result of the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result of the
analysis of variance showed that the value of f-test (1.5) was lower than that of f-table
(1.96). It means that the population of this research was homogenous. So, XI IPA 5
class was determined as the experimental group and XI IPS 1class as the control
In this research, the supporting data were gained through interview and
documentation, while the primary data were gained through listening test. The test
was given to both classes, namely the experimental group and control group. The test
was conducted on January 24th 2012 for control group and experimental group. The
test for the control group (XI IPS 1) was held on Tuesday, at 06.40-08.10, while the
test for the experimental group (XI IPA 5) at 09.55-11.25. The test was given to both groups after they received two times treatment. The experimental group was given
two times treatment that was teaching listening using the questioning technique,
while the control group was taught listening using conventional technique that was
three phase technique.
Based on the calculation, the mean score of the experimental group was
higher than that of the mean score of the control group (70.4 > 65.3). The result of the
t-test analysis (3.4) was higher than that of the t-table (2.00) at 5% significant level.
It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted, there was a significant effect of
using questioning technique on the students` listening comprehension achievement of
the eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Jember. While the null hypothesis was
Referring on the result of this research, the English teacher should use and
apply the Questioning technique as an alternative teaching technique, especially in
teaching listening to improve and motivate the students’ listening achievement.
Further, the students have to practice their ability in listening by using the questioning
technique as frequently as possible to improve their listening achievement. Moreover,
the other researchers are suggested to conduct further research which focuses on the
similar topic with different design, such as an action research or a descriptive
research of using the Questioning Technique on different level of students on their
listening achievement. | en_US |