This classroom action research was intended to improve the VIII-C
students‟ vocabulary achievement by using Electronic Flashcards in the teaching
learning process at SMPN 1 Sukowono. Based on the result of classroom
observation in the preliminary study, it was found that many students of class
VIII-C did not participate actively during the teaching learning process. This
finding was supported by the English teacher‟s statement about his students‟ low
participation. The teacher stated that there were 11 of 34 students who usually
gave responses to his questions. It meant that only 32.35% of the VIII-C students
who could be categorized as active students. Besides, it was known that many
students of class VIII-C had limited vocabulary and experienced difficulty in
mastering vocabulary. The result of vocabulary diagnostic test showed that 12
students of class VIII-C got ≥ 60 in the test and 22 students got < 60. It meant that
35.29% of the students achieved the English minimum requirement standard score
of SMPN 1 Sukowono and 64.71% of them failed.
This classroom action research was conducted collaboratively with the
English teacher of class VIII-C. There were four stages of activities in this
research, namely: planning of the action, implementation of the action,
observation and evaluation, and data analysis and reflection. The data collection
methods that were used in this research were interview, documentation, diagnostic
test, classroom observation, and achievement test. This classroom action research
was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle was conducted in three meetings. The
first and the second meeting were used to do the actions and the third meeting was
used to conduct the vocabulary achievement test. In the first cycle, it was known that the percentage of the active students
was 51.47%. It meant that the minimum requirement percentage of the active
students in this research (50%) could be achieved in Cycle 1. However, the
percentage of the students who got ≥60 (the English minimum requirement
standard score of SMPN 1 Sukowono) in the test was only 47.05%, whereas the
minimum requirement percentage in this research was 50%. Dealing with the
results, it was necessary to continue the action to the second cycle by revising
some necessary aspects in the first cycle.
In the second cycle, the percentage of the students who were active during
the teaching learning process was 72.05%. It met the minimum requirement
percentage (50%) and was higher than the percentage of the active students in
Cycle 1 (51.47%). Meanwhile, the percentage of the students who got ≥60 in the
vocabulary achievement test was 67.64%. It meant that the minimum requirement
percentage of the students who got ≥60, that was 50%, could be achieved in Cycle
2. Since all of the research targets were achieved in the second cycle, the action
was stopped.
Based on the research results from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2, it was concluded
that teaching vocabulary by using Electronic Flashcards could improve the
students‟ participation and vocabulary achievement. Thus, the English teacher is
suggested to use Electronic Flashcards as alternative media in teaching