dc.description.abstract | Speaking is one of the important skills that should be mastered by the
students. By having speaking skill, they can express their idea and communicate
to others orally. Students can make listeners understand about what they speak by
having a good pronunciation and fluency in delivering their speech. English
language is the foreign language that almost never be used in daily life because
the students used mother tongue to communicate with others. So, the students feel
difficult to say something, to learn and practice using English. They feel afraid
and shy and they do not have self-confidence to speak English.
Role play technique is one of the suitable techniques that can help the
students have good achievement in speaking English. This technique can make the
students feel fun, relax and enjoy. It allows students to be creative and to pretend
to be another person at another place.
This research was a classroom action research which was intended to
improve class XI IPA 1 students’ speaking achievement by using role play at
MAN 2 Jember in the 2012/2013 academic year. This research was started by
conducting an interview with the English teacher of the eleventh grade students at
MAN 2 Jember on December 3
2012. Based on the preliminary study, it was
found that the students of class XI IPA 1faced difficulties in speaking. It was
revealed that class XI IPA 1 only 28.12% of all students got 70 or higher. Besides,
the students were not actively involved in the teaching learning process of
This classroom action research was done collaboratively with the English
teacher. The collaboration involved planning of the action, implementation of the
action, observation and evaluation, and analysis and reflection. This research was
carried out in two cycles and each cycle consisted of three meetings included the
test. The subject of this research was class XI IPA 1 that consists of 32 students,
in the second semester 2012/2013 academic year. The research target was 60%
students got score at least 70 and students active participation.
Based on the result of observation, the improvement of the students’
active participation was shown from the results of the observation in cycle I, there
were 9 of 32 students (28.12%) in meeting 1 and 13 of 32 students (40.63%) in
meeting 2 who were actively involved in teaching learning activities through role
play techniques. In cycle II, there were 18 of 32 students (56.25%) in meeting 1
and 21 of 32 students (65.63%) who were actively involved in teaching learning
activities through role play techniques. The result of action in Cycle 2 showed
significant improvements. This shows that the percentage of students who were
active participation increased from 28.12% to 65.63%. The improvement in
speaking test was indicated by following results. The percentage of the students
who got scores at least 70 in cycle I was 43.8% while in the second cycle the
percentage improved to 62.5%. Therefore, the criteria of success, 60% of the
research subjects got scores at least 70 was fulfilled. In short, it can be concluded
that role play techniques can improve class XI IPA 1 students’ speaking
achievement. Therefore, the English teacher was suggested to use role play
techniques as an alternative in teaching speaking. | en_US |