Vocabulary is one of language components which are important for people.All
people, children to adult, speak by using words, write by using words, read words,
and listen to the words. By using words, they can communicate each other. In order to
make the communication of people run well, the people should understand what they
speak each other. Without having many vocabularies, the people cannot understand
what other people say and there will be a gap in communication.
Learning English vocabularies is not easy for the students in Elementary
school who are considered as young learners. Yuliana (2003:62) states that teaching
young learners is not like teaching adults, children have their own way of learning.
Young learners only have short attention in learning something. As informed by the
English teacher of the third grade at SDN Mumbulsari 1 Jember, the students of the
third grade over there have difficulties in learning English vocabularies. It is not easy
for the students there tomemorize the English vocabulary. They often forget the
words that have just been learnt. Because of that, the English teacher should try to
teach new English vocabulary as interestingly as possible to the young learners.
The use of media is needed by the teacher in creating an interesting
atmosphere in the teaching learning activities for young learners. The English teacher
should use the appropriate media in teaching English vocabularies for young learners.
Song is one of media which can be used by the teacher for teaching children. It is
appropriate to the characteristics of young learners. Using English songs as media in
teaching learning process is one of way that may have a significant effect for the
students on their vocabulary achievement.
This research was an experimental research. The purpose of this research was
to know whether the use of English songs as media in teaching learning process on
vocabulary achievement of the third grade students at SD Negeri Mumbulsari 01 in
the 2012/2013 academic year was significant or not. The area of this research was
SDN Mumbulsari 1 Jember. It was chosen purposively because the research about the
use of English songs to teach vocabulary has never been conducted at this school.
Another reason was the permission to conduct a research in this school was gotten.
The respondents of this research were the third grade students at SD Negeri
Mumbulsari 01 in the 2012/2013 academic year. The research respondents were
determined by using a lottery because based on the analysis of the result of the
English final examination test for the odd semester of the third year students by using
ANOVA, all of classes in the third grade had already homogenous. The total numbers
of the respondents were 52 students that consisted of 26 students from class III-A as
control group and 26 students from class III-B as the experimental group.
The data of this research were collected from the students’ scores of English
vocabulary pre test and post test, interview, observation and documentation. The
result of vocabulary pre test and post test was used to make comparison of the gained
scores between the two classes after the treatment, and the result was analyzed by
using independent sample t-test provided in SPSS with 99% confidence interval of
the difference.
Based on the output of Independent sample T-test by using SPSS, the value of
Lavene’s Test of Equality variances is 0.209. If the result of Lavene’ Test is higher or
equal to 0,01, we have to read the first row of the output T-test table and ignored the
second row. It can be said that we have to read the value of Sig. (2 tailed) in the first
row. It is 0,000 or we can say that it is less than 0,01. If the value of Sig. (2 tailed) is
less than 0,01, it indicated that the null hypothesis (H) was rejected or alternate hypothesis (Ha) with 99% confidence interval of the difference was accepted.