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dc.contributor.authorTitis Rihardimas
dc.description.abstractService and quality is considered good if the performance is given by the same company with what consumers expect. Business strategy in accordance with the object of this research is the development strategy of the service (Service Development Strategy). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the variable quality of services consisting of physical facilities, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy towards customer satisfaction based computer network services in the city of Jember both partially and simultaneously and to analyze the influence of the dominant influence on customer satisfaction computer services network based in the town of Jember. This study categorized as explanatory research. The population is urban Jember district covering Sumbersari, Patrang, and Kaliwates ever using computer network services Tekling Network and CV. Media Pratama Jember. number of samples in this study was set at 75 respondents. Methods of data analysis using logistic regression. Logit regression results indicate that there are four variables that may affect customer satisfaction network services, namely physical facilities (sig.0, 042 <0.05), reliability (sig.0, 028 <0.05), responsiveness (sig.0, 003 <0.05) , security (sig. 0.023 <0.05) and empathy (sig. 0.912> 0.05). It shows that the factor of physical facilities and significant positive effect on customer satisfaction partially computer network services; reliability factor is positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction partially computer network services. Factor responsiveness positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction partially computer network services. Factor guarantees a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction partially computer network services. Empathy factor does not significantly affect customer satisfaction partially computer network services. Conclusions of this study are all variables simultaneously physical facilities, the use of computer network services in the city of Jember simultaneously. reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy significantly influence consumer satisfaction. Dominant variable effect on customer satisfaction is a variable network reliability.en_US
dc.subjectAnalysis of Service Quality Affect toen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kualitas Layanan Yang Memengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan Jasa Komputer Berbasis Jaringan Di Kota Jemberen_US

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