LECTURER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION (Publikasi Ilmiah): Recent submissions
Now showing items 301-320 of 12793
Controlling Depression and Improving Self-Introspection Ability in Post Pandemi COVID-19 Disposal Victims Through Cognitive Thought Stopping Therapy in Agroindustrial Area
(Jurnal Keperawatan, 2024-03-01)Employees mental unpreparedness due to termination of employment (PHK) causes depression and lack of self-control which has an impact on social relations problems for those concerned and their environment. Efforts are ... -
The Influence of Health Coaching Colling on the Intention To Use Healthy Latrines Coastal Communities
(Jurnal Keperawatan Stikes Kendal, 2024-03-01)Intention to use healthy latrines is still found in the community, the low intention of the community to use latrines can trigger or cause open defecation (BAB) habits. The main factor that causes the community's low ... -
Improving the Nutritional Quality of Pregnant Women through Training in Additional Vegetable (CARROT) Food Processing
(Agro Nurse Kesehatan, 2023-12-01)Gizi seimbang untuk ibu hamil mengindikasikan bahwa konsumsi makanan yang dibutuhkan oleh ibu hamil harus memenuhi kecukupan gizi untuk ibu dan bayi di dalam kandungannya. Hal tersebut karena selama masa kehamilan kebutuhan ... -
The Effect of Bay Leaf Garlic Decoctionon on Low Cholinesterase Levels Due to Pesticide Exposure in Farmers In Pasuruan
(Nurse and Helath: Jurnal Keperawatan, 2023-11-15)Pesticides are chemicals used by farmers to control and kill pests and diseases. Pesticides can poison humans, although their main use is to control and kill agricultural pests. Pesticide poisoning is still a problem ... -
The Effect of Therapeutic Group Therapy (TGT) for Middle Aged Adults on the Resilience of Coastal Residents after the COVID19 Pandemic
(Nurse and Health : Jurnal Keperawatan, 2023-11-16)Almost everyone has been directly or indirectly affected by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Many people are not ready to adapt to sudden lifestyle changes. This causes some people to experience fear and anxiety. Objectives: ... -
Correlation of fluoride intake to total bone mass at Asembagus, Situbondo, Indonesia
(World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023-11-16)Fluoride is a non-organic substance with the most reactive element and the highest electronegativity. Most humans are exposed to fluoride through food and water intake. Groundwater is the main source of fluoride toxicity ... -
The Effect of Cacao Bean Extract on the Number of Osteoblasts on Orthodontic Tooth Movement
(Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 2023-06-28)The teeth that are given orthodontic forces, generally occur relapses. It is caused by resorption on the pressure side higher than the apposition on tension side. Cacao bean extract can increase bone apposition on bone ... -
OPG and RANKL Expression on Orthodontic Tooth Movement after Cacao Bean Extract Administration
(Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 2023-09-05)Teeth that are given orthodontic forces can relapse because of excessive resorption on the pressure side. Cocoa bean extract increases bone apposition during bone remodeling by enhancing osteoblast proliferation. This ... -
Manajemen Perbankan syariah
(Yayasan Cendikia Mulia Mandiri, 2023-12-01)Produk perbankan syariah mencakup berbagai instrumen keuangan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Islam -
Dampak Optimalisasi Pengembangan Destinasi Agrowisata Petik Buah Jeruk Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Masyarakat (Studi Deskriptif di Desa Selorejo Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur)
(E Sospol, 2023-12-01)Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak optimalisasi pengembangan destinasi agrowisata petik buah jeruk terhadap kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat di Desa Selorejo, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. ... -
Factors Affecting Solvability Analysis of Indonesian Sharia Life Insurance Companies
(Journal of Islamic Economics, 2023-07-30)Examining and analyzing the impact of premiums, claims, investment returns, reinsurance, and underwriting on the solvency of Islamic life insurance firms in Indonesia is the goal of this study, with firm size as the ... -
The Role and Constraints of Group Sharia Financing in the Economic Empowerment of Women Customers
(Journal of Management Research and Studies, 2023-12-01)The purpose of this research is to analyse the role and constraints of group sharia financing in women's economic empowerment for BTPN Syariah Bondowoso customers. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case ... -
The Influence of Financial Literacy and Income on the Decision to Invest in Islamic Stocks
(Journal of Management Research and Studies, 2023-12-01)The capital market plays a significant role in a country's economy as a meeting place between those in need of capital and those who have capital for investment. However, good financial literacy and income factors ... -
An Exploration of the Causes of the Failure of PPR Payments in the Wirogunan Residence Community During the Pandemic
(Journal of Management Research and Studies, 2023-11-11)This research aims to explore the causes of the failure of the Wirogunan Residence community's Home Ownership Financing payments during the pandemic and how the actions taken by the Wirogunan Residence community in ... -
Phenomenological Study of the Application of Islamic Business Ethics in Fashion Sale and Purchase Transactions
(Journal of Management Research and Studies, 2023-11-10)he paper explores the impact of business growth on human life and emphasizes the neglect of ethics by some profit-driven entrepreneurs. It advocates for the integration of Islamic principles to guide business conduct, ... -
Effects of Internal Finance, Islamic Governance and Islamic Corporate Responsibility on Profitability: Evidence of Islamic Banking in Indonesia
(International Journal of Profesional Buseiness Review, 2023-05-08)The objective of this study was analyze the interrelationships of internal financial factors, which include financing risk and capital adequacy, ICG and ICSR as determinants of ROA in Islamic banking in Indonesia. Theoretical ... -
Islamic governance and leverage: the interacting role of corporate social responsibility disclosure
(Islamic governance and leverage, 2023-11-09)Purpose – This study aims to analyze the relationship between Islamic governance (IG) and leverage and examine the interaction of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) in the relationship between IG and ... -
Religious Coupling Status of Patient’s Family Intensive Care Unit
(AINiC, 2023)Backgrounds: Families experience psychological impacts when dealing with intensive care patients who are treated in the ICU. Psychological problems that occur in families are very complex. The emotional condition of the ... -
Expression of TNF-α and TGF-β after the Administration of Cacao Bean Extract on Alveolar Bone
(Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry, 2023-12-12): Teeth that are given orthodontic forces can relapse because of excessive resorption on the pressure side. Cocoa bean extract enhances bone apposition during bone remodeling by increasing osteoblast proliferation. This ... -
Geliat Perempuan Pelaku Usaha Kecil di Tengah Pusaran Digitalisasi
(Indonesia Emas Group, 2023-12-01)Geliat Perempuan Pelaku Usaha Kecil di Tengah Pusaran Digitalisasi