dc.description.abstract | This Classroom Action Research was intended to improve year XI
students‟ narrative text writing achievement through Mind Mapping technique at
SMAN 4 Jember. This research subjects were the students of class XI IPS 2 that were
determined purposively, because their writing achievement score was relatively the
lowest among the other classes (their average score was 65.58) which did not attain
yet the minimum passing grade at the school that was 70.
This research was done in two Cycles. After knowing the result of Cycle 1
did not achieve the target, the action was continued to the Cycle 2. Each Cycle
covered four activities: the planning of the action, the implementation of the action,
observation and evaluation, analysis and reflection of the action.
The data about the students‟ writing achievement were collected by
administering writing test through Mind Mapping technique. Observation was used to
monitor the process of teaching writing through Mind Mapping technique and the
students‟ active participation. The observation was done in two ways: observation
guide and observation checklist. This CAR was categorized successful if the result
showed ≤ 75% of the students obtained 70 or higher and 60% of the students actively
involved during teaching and learning process.
The result of the students who got 70 or higher in Cycle 1 was 58.33%. In
other words, there were only 21 students of 36 students who got score ≥ 70. It means
that the result did not achieve the target of this research, that was 75%. Besides, the
result of observation checklist showed that the students‟ active participation in
teaching learning process of writing through Mind Mapping technique was 44.74% (Meeting 1) and 50% (Meeting 2). Thus, the percentage of the students‟ active
participation in the process of teaching writing through Mind Mapping technique was
60%. Therefore, the actions were continued to Cycle 2 by revising some necessary
In Cycle 2, the result of the students‟ writing test was higher than Cycle 1.
The percentage of the students who got the targeted score in Cycle 2 was 77.77%.
Regarding the students‟ active participation in writing class, it also showed
improvement from 56.75% in Meeting 1 up to 72.22% in Meeting 2. From those
result, it can be seen that this second cycle had achieved the target of this CAR, and
this action of this research stopped.
Based on the results, it could be concluded that teaching writing through
Mind Mapping technique could improve the students‟ writing achievement and their
active participation in the process of teaching learning. Therefore, the research results
are expected to be useful for the English teachers and the students. | en_US |