Zolana Tista
Worker’s safety behavior is an important issue considering the human factor is one of
the main causes of occupational accidents. Workplace accidents can be reduce by
increasing safety behavior of worker’s, using a safety inspection program which
conducted regularly, monitored, scheduled, and performed with the right methods to
increase knowledge and improve worker’s behavior. The aim of this study was to
identify and to analyze the relationship between workplace safety inspections and the
worker’s safety behavior. This was analytical survey with cross-sectional design
based on time used on research. Sixty two samples was taken by proportional random
sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed using the Spearman Rank test
statistic with significance rate of 5%. The results showed that there was a significant
relationship between the inspection’s planning with the safety behavior in p value =
0.004. Spearman correlation test also showed that there was a significant
relationship between the inspection’s implementation with the safety behavior in p
value = 0.008. However, there is no significant relationship between the reporting of
inspections with safety behavior in p value = 0.526. Based on these results, there is
necessity for a safety inspector to plan the proper safety inspection so that
unindentified danger can be found and controlled. In addition, a good inspection
reports also important in order to facilitate the implementation of subsequent
inspections and to correct the behavior of workers.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]