Faktor-faktor yang Berkontribusi dengan Tingkat Insomnia pada Lansia Insomnia di Posyandu Lansia Alamanda 69 Kelurahan Baratan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Patrang Kabupaten Jember. Tifanie Raplyana; 062310101016
The aging process leads to changes in sleep patterns, among others, more
often awake at night, decreased total time of night sleep, sleep disorders as well
as the ability to maintain hibernation. Sigh of sleep disorder often shown by
elderly is insomnia. The factors contributing to the level of insomnia in insomnia
elderly are anxiety, depression, sleep environment, lifestyle, medical conditions,
and medications. The purpose of research was to analyze the factors that
contributed to the insomnia level in insomnia elderly in elderly integrated health
center 69 Alamanda sub-district of Baratan, work area of Public Health Center of
Patrang Jember regency. The research design was observational analytic by cross
sectional approach. The population of this research was 60 people. Sample size
was 35 people. The analysis used was Spearman Rank correlation test. With alpha
0.05, the anxiety factor gained p value = 0.025, factor in depression was with p
value = 0.022, environmental factors of sleep was with p value = 0.048, lifestyle
factor was with p value = 0.033, a medical condition factor obtained p value =
0.040, medication factor gained p value = 0.001. These results indicated that
there was a relationship between anxiety, depression, sleep environment, lifestyle,
medical conditions, and medications with insomnia level. Suggestion that can be
given is providing communication program, information and education on
insomnia; besides, this can be conducted by the involvement of family to allow the
realization of an approach pattern and the holistic management of insomnia
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]