Optimasi Komposisi Hidroksipropil Metilselulosa, Natrium Alginat Dan Natrium Karboksimetilselulosa Pada Tablet Propranolol Hidroklorida Sistem Mengapung Dan Lekat Mukosa
A combination floating and mucoadhesive drug delivery system of propranolol
hydrochloride tablet has been developed to increase its bioavailability by increasing
the retention time of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was
to formulated, optimized, and obtained the optimal composition of Hidroxypropyl
Methylcellulose (HPMC), Sodium Alginate and Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
(CMC Na) in control release tablets of Propranolol Hydrochloride combination
floating and mucoadhesive system. The tablet were prepared by direct compression
technique. Optimization was carried out using simplex lattice desaign (SLD). Tablets
were evaluated for in-vitro buoyancy, swelling index and mucoadhesive studies. Invitro
buoyancy and mucoadhesive is used as a parameter optimization on SLD model
equation. HPMC, Sodium Alginat and CMC Na are dominant factor in increasing invitro
buoyancy and mucoadhesive. Optimum proportion of HPMC (83,673), Sodium
Alginat (46,327), CMC Na (30) are obtained based on the superimposed countour
Key word: Floating-mucoadhesive, Propranolol HCl, HPMC, Sodium Alginat and
- UT-Faculty of Pharmacy [1490]