Pemeliharaan Jamban Keluarga (JAGA) dan Perilaku Buang Air Besar (BAB) di Jamban Pasca program Gerakan Sanitasi Total (GESIT) (Studi di Desa Sukorambi Kecamatan Sukorambi Kabupaten Jember)
One of approaches used to overcome the problem of sanitation, especially the
issue of open defecation, is Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS). Sukorambi
Village, District of Sukorambi, Jember Regency is one of the 5 villages in Jember
Regency which are declared to have a Village ODF (Open Defecation Program). For
this reason, through this academic work, the author discusses the issue with the title:
Maintenance of JAGA and Behavior BAB on Toilets Post GESIT Program (A Study in
Sukorambi Village, District of Sukorambi, Jember Regency) with the formulation of
problem: How is maintenance of JAGA and behavior BAB in toilets and GESIT
Program in the community of Sukorambi Village, District of Sukorambi, Jember
Regency. This research was aimed to analyze knowledge, attitude, consistency of
defecation behavior, maintenance of JAGA, and the success of GESIT program post-
GESIT program. This research applied qualitative method with qualitative-descriptive.
The research results showed that most of the informants could not appropriately
answer the knowledge of defecation in toilet and the maintenance of family toilet, all
informants had supportive attitudes toward defecation behavior in toilet as well as the
maintenance of JAGA. All informants had defecation behavior in toilet although there
was a person who did not have toilet but the informant used Communal Toilet/WC. Not
all toilets were categorized as healthy toilets since there were some respondents who
had a toilet, but condition was far from clean. The maintenance of toilet carried out by
most informants was by brushing the floor and the toilet with a toilet brush. The fact on
the field indicated that the many of the community members of Sukorambi Village,
District Sukorambi, Jember Regency, remained to defecate in the river or, in other
words, did not have access to family toilet. Based on these findings, there should be
periodic monitoring from the related Health Department with the region/area of
GESIT Program, mentoring and guidance by Health Department during the running of
the GESIT program for the Natural Leader.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]