dc.description.abstract | Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Structure Achievement and Active
Participation by Using Round Table Technique in Cooperative Learning at SMPN 2
Balung-Jember; Yaumul Istiqomah; 050210491088; 36 pages; English Education
Program of Language and Arts Department; The Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Jember University.
This classroom action research was intended to improve the seventh grade
students’ structure achievement and active participation by using round table
technique in cooperative learning at SMPN 2 Balung-Jember. This research was
begun by conducting an interview with the English teacher of the seventh grade
students of SMPN 2 Balung-Jember on September, 4
2009. Based on the
preliminary study, it was found that the students of class VII C had difficulty in
structure. Besides, the students were also lack of participation in the classroom during
the teaching and learning process.
Roundtable technique is one of Cooperative Learning’s strategies and it was
applied in this research. Roundtable is a technique that can be used for brainstorming,
reviewing, or practicing a skill. It is not only used as an inter-group competition, but
also an excellent team building technique. In Roundtable, the multiple answers
encourage creativity and deeper thinking (Kagan, 2000:3).
This classroom action research was done collaboratively with the English
teacher. This research was done into two cycles, in which each cycle covered
planning of the action, implementing of the action, class observation and evaluation,
and reflection of the action. Then, each cycle was conducted in two meetings. The
data were collected using structure test, class observation, interview, and
documentation. The mean score of structure test in the first cycle was 61.5. Moreover,
the percentage of students’ active participation was 59.7%. These results did no
achieve the target mean score 65 and 75% of students were active during the teaching
learning process. Therefore, the actions were continued to the second cycle by
revising the teaching technique and inviting two more observers.
Then, the result of the students’ mean score of structure test in the second
cycle was 67.5 and the percentage of students’ active participation was 79.1%. It
means that the students’ structure achievement and active participation were
increased in the second cycle. Based on the result, round table technique is important
in helping the students who had problem in learning structure. So, they understood
and were more familiar about the verbs used in the Simple Present and the Simple
Past Tenses.
Besides, roundtable technique could improve the students’ active
participation. It happened when interaction could be promoted in a group work and
the students learned to respect the differences of ideas, thoughts, or opinions from
other group members. Thus, each member of the group gave his or her contribution to
his or her own roundtable group. So, it would make students motivate themselves to
be active during the teaching learning process of structure.
The findings of some previous researchers are important to support the action
and are made as references. First, an experimental research conducted by Riniati
(2006) proved that roundtable model of cooperative learning could improve the
writing achievement of the second year students of SMAN 1 Arjasa-Jember
2005/2006 academic year. Second, a research that was conducted by Rahmawati
(2010) also proved that roundtable model of cooperative learning could improve the
writing achievement of the eight year students of SMPN 2 Rogojampi-Banyuwangi.
Finally, it can be said that the use of roundtable technique could improve the
students’ structure achievement and active participation at SMPN 2 Balung-Jember. | en_US |