Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Rubber Industry
The increasing of diphtheria outbreak every year in East Java needs good, serious,
and right handling in all cases. The aim of infant immunization in accordance with
the Kepmenkes RI No. 1611/Menkes/SK/XI/2005, can be achieved if the baby is gets
complete immunization of valid dose. Valid dose means to qualify for the minimum
age and minimum intervals as well as good quality vaccines. This study uses
ecological study design and descriptive analysis. The unit of analysis in this study are
the Village / Urban, Public Health Center, and the Regency. From results can be
known that the Valid dose of immunization of DPT 1, DPT 2, and DPT 3 with
incidence of diphtheria in the village and health center level, context still can not find
the pattern. Meanwhile at the district level, find a pattern that average of valid dose
of DPT 1, DPT 2, DPT 3 immunization of the years 2008-2011 has decreased,
followed until diphtheria in 2008-2011 has increased. Suggesting to the immunization
executive officer, they not only just inject or shed, but also should pay attention to
schedules and minimum intervals of every baby in order to establish the maximum
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]